The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: An In-Depth Analysis

The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt: An In-Depth Analysis

Welcome back to the Lethal Lifestyle Podcast. Today, we’re diving into the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. As a Special Operations Marine with experience in personal security details overseas, I’ll share my insights on what transpired, the security failures, and what we can learn from this event.

Incident Overview

To set the stage, let’s quickly recap the incident. Trump was on stage, surrounded by bystanders and reverberation platforms designed to amplify sound and obscure views. The shooter, positioned on a nearby rooftop about 150 meters away, had a clear line of sight to Trump. Despite the attack, Trump fortunately remained unharmed.

Security Failures

Preparation of the Battlefield and Environment (PBE)

One of the key concepts in the Special Operations community is the preparation of the battlefield and environment (PBE). This involves securing areas and identifying potential threats. In this case, the rooftop from which the shooter operated should have been secured. This failure is glaring and raises significant concerns.

Line of Sight and Sniper Positions

A quick look at the Google Earth imagery reveals that the shooter had an unobstructed line of sight. The green areas indicate clear visibility from the shooter’s position. The fact that this rooftop wasn’t secured is mind-boggling and suggests possible internal failures or worse, an inside job.

Psychological Operations (PSYOP)

The attempt on Trump’s life can be seen as part of a broader psychological operation aimed at controlling public perception. The media and various public figures have been stoking negative emotions towards Trump for years. This constant barrage of hate-filled rhetoric can condition people, particularly the young and impressionable, to view such actions as justified.

Emotional and Mental Resiliency

It’s crucial to develop emotional and mental resiliency to withstand the psychological manipulation prevalent in today’s media. This involves:

  • Regular Physical Exercise: Builds both physical and mental strength.
  • Continuous Learning: Reading and expanding your knowledge base.
  • Clear Identity and Purpose: Knowing who you are and what you stand for.

Tactical Response

Initial Response

The immediate response from the Secret Service involved tactical disciplines like trigger finger discipline and controlled movements. However, the presence of two short agents guarding a 6’4″ Trump raises questions about their ability to provide effective physical cover.

Crowd Management

The crowd’s reaction was generally appropriate. Staying low and minimizing their profile likely prevented further chaos. However, having a pre-designated rally point for family members in case of such incidents is crucial for safety and coordination.

Preventative Measures and Training

Identifying Threats

Understanding the mindset and methods of criminals, especially those influenced by different cultural backgrounds, is essential. Look for telltale signs like individuals with motorcycle helmets in public places, which can be a significant indicator of potential threats.

Personal and Family Security Training

Join programs like Lethality University, where we offer comprehensive training on:

  • Situational Awareness
  • Multi-Target Engagement
  • First Aid and Medical Training
  • Legal Coverage through partnerships with USCCA

Preparedness Plans

Always have a plan in place. Know how to react in active shooter situations, and ensure your family is trained and prepared. Simple steps like knowing how to apply a tourniquet or having designated meeting points can save lives.


The attempted assassination of Donald Trump highlights significant security lapses and the impact of psychological operations on public perception. Developing mental and emotional resiliency, understanding the tactics of potential threats, and having comprehensive training and preparedness plans are crucial steps in ensuring your safety and that of your loved ones.

Stay informed, stay prepared, and as always, train hard to protect what matters most. For more in-depth training and resources, join us at Lethality University.

Stay Lethal My Friends,

Joe Malone

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