School & Workplace Violence: The Real Causes and Solution

School & Workplace Violence: The Real Causes and Solution

People are wondering how workplace violence has become so prevalent and what can be done in order to address the massive amounts of emotional and mental illnesses plaguing our modern society.

In this blog we will unravel 2 of the 3 “real” reasons behind the rise in workplace violence and what we can begin to do about them.

The three major factors contributing to workplace violence are:

1. School creation of safe spaces and zero tolerance for violence

2. Social media search algorithms

3. The neurological effects of social isolation

In this article we will discuss the first two.

Safe Spaces and Zero Tolerance

When schools began implementing safe spaces and zero tolerance for violence what they really

did was remove social adversity from the lives of young children. Social adversity is imperative

for proper emotional and mental development in kids because it allows them to build character

under stress and identify what side of morality they wish to be on.

Social adversity comes in the form of dealing with bullies, or lightly being made fun of by

other kids. When kids are presented with these challenges it allows them to reflect internally

on their character and either change, or not care and move forward with a newfound sense of

originality and independence. This also allows for kids to develop emotional intelligence which

is imperative in their later years so, as a young adult, they don’t go shooting a place up every

time they are upset.

Furthermore, zero tolerance for violence disempowers the child to not stand up for

what is right. This moral conflict within a child is that they begin to view standing up against

bullies as something to be chastised for. This gets worse with time because the whole” go get a

teacher” approach doesn’t correlate later in life when that kid is now a 27-year-old man

working at a bank.

Instead, they have to now come up with new resolutions and without the ability to

emotionally control themselves in a professional setting. What’s the result? They get a gun and

shoot everyone who ever made them mad at their workplace. By allowing kids the ability to

deal with normal social adversities in school and on the playground, and by teaching them emotional and mental resiliency by eradicating safe spaces they will be much more capable as

grown adults to handle conflict and their own emotions in a safe manner.

Social Media Search Algorithms

The second major contributing factor is the negative bias of social media search algorithms. It is

well known and documented that “if it bleeds it reads.” This is based on the neurological

principle of survival instilled in our brain. Information relative to death and destruction will

always trump over happy related news because death, anger, and fear are associated with the

brain’s number one priority… survival. When scrolling on your news feed search algorithms are

specifically designed to propagate information that will make you angry and divisive against

your fellow humans.

This is based on your “social media avatar” that companies create to best

advertise materials to you based on your search history. This has profound negative

consequences because the more often we scroll, (thousands of times a day), then the more

neurologically hardwired we become in associating all humans with the types of behaviors we

hate. This is why so many people now more than ever say, “Ugh, I can’t stand humans.” In

reality it is not the entire human race that acts a certain way; however, it is certainly the way it

appears because news feeds want to keep people engaged for as long as possible, and they do

this through negative context.

By holding social media companies accountable to this algorithmic dissention, we can

increase the positive association we have towards one another, thus creating a sense of unity

instead of division. When we are divided as a people, we are more likely to conduct acts of

violence towards and against one another. However, when we have a sense of unity we are

much less likely to do so.

There is a third major factor that contributes to workplace violence and that is the neurological

effects of social isolation. However, that will have to wait until another article before we can

uncover the effects of the neuropeptide, Tachykinin.

In the meantime, remember that adversity creates character and that you should judge people

by the content of their character, not by the content of your social media search algorithms.

These are just a few quick ways we can begin to shift the cultural paradigm of workplace


Stay Lethal my Friends,

Joe Malone

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